100 years ago

The Countess Beauchamp took early steps to thank the people of Malvern for the wedding gift presented to her on Saturday evening on her arrival at Malvern Link railway station. In a gracefully-worded letter to Dr Dixey, which was read at the council meeting on Tuesday afternoon, her ladyship expressed delight with the handsome brooch of which she was the recipient. Malvern Gazette, August 1, 1902.

The fifth annual show, in connection with the Ledbury Horse Show Society, was held in the Pound Meadows, Ledbury on Thursday. Although the entries, particularly in the hunter classes, were not so numerous as in previous years, the animals shown were of an excellent quality and the increased interest taken in the breeding of good horses by the farmers and landowners justifies the existence of the society. Ledbury Reporter, August 5, 1902.

50 years ago

Handed in to Malvern police station the other day was a monster caterpillar, later identified by Mr W Spencer Noble of Colwall as the death's head hawk's moth, the largest species found in the British Isles. By country folk the moth is looked upon as being something uncanny, because when handled, it emits a peculiarly shrill squeak. Malvern Gazette, August 1, 1952.

The 600-year-old mansion at Hellen's, Much Marcle, will be the scene of a series of historical tableaux during the three weekends in August and will be given to the public, the proceeds being given to the fund for improvements to Much Marcle CE School. Ledbury Reporter, August 8, 1952.

25 years ago

Thirteen German teenagers had a meeting with the chairman of Malvern Hills District Council, Coun John Guise, on Tuesday. They are this year's official party organised by the Malvern branch of the Experiment in Intern-ational Living, and are spending three weeks staying with families in the Malvern district. Malvern Gazette, August 4, 1977.

Plans to extend Ledbury telephone exchange in Lawnside Road got the out of order tone when put before Ledbury Town Council planning committee on Monday. "This is the second extension since the exchange was built," said Coun Anne Groves. "How many are there to be in the future?" Ledbury Reporter, August 4, 1977.