Ledbury Amateur Dramatic Society's 2003 panto will really give the audience something to sink their teeth into, because it will be an up-to-the-minute production called Dracula.

Market Theatre manager Paul Graham said: "It will be a light-hearted show and not at all frightening to the children."

It has been written by pantomime professional Jim Sper-inck, whose work performed by LADS in recent years includes Cinderella in 2000.

Auditions will be held at the Market Theatre in early Sept-ember. Whoever gets the part of the Count will have to be fitted with custom-made teeth.

Whatever the final cast list, the songs will be played by a new pianist this season.

LADS' long-serving pianist Hilda Hawcutt decided to retire from the stool three months ago, after 25 years behind the musical scores.

Mr Graham said: "She just felt that, after a quarter of a century, she had done her stint. We wish her a long and happy retirement."

LADS are hopeful they will have appointed a new pianist by this autumn.