A long-running feud led to a street fight in Ronkswood in which two people were stabbed, Worcester Crown Court heard.

Brothers Joshua and Daniel Bough were arrested after a scuffle in Devon Road late at night in February, said James McCracken, prosecuting.

Joshua Bough grabbed his mum's kitchen knife and stabbed Kevin Higgins in the shoulder.

Gail Lock was stabbed in the thigh as she tried to separate the men.

Twenty-year-old Daniel Bough, of Liverpool Road, Ronkswood, who admitted affray, emerged from the house with a hammer, but the prosecution accepted he did not use it during the scuffle.

Mr Higgins' wound was stitched and he was kept overnight in hospital, while Miss Lock was discharged after treatment.

Father-of-two Joshua Bough, aged 19, of Devon Road, was said to have previous convictions for biting a policeman and for chasing a person with a machete after an argument.

He was sent to detention for 15 months after admitted two charges of unlawful wounding.

His counsel, Adam Western, said he had been provoked.

Joshua Bough had been struck on the head with a piece of wood, but insisted neither of the stab wounds had been caused deliberately.

Daniel Bough was from a violent background and knew no better, said Tracey Lloyd-Nestling, defending.

But he had been antagonised and had dropped the hammer before becoming involved in the fight.

He was working casually for a removals firm and currently sleeping on a mattress in a camper van in a friend's back garden.

The family home of brothers had been damaged and their parents had been harassed, Miss Lloyd-Nestling added.

Recorder John Denniss , who made Daniel Bough the subject of a two-year community rehabilitation order and told him to do 80 hours community service, said the offences stemmed from a family dispute which spilled out onto the street.

There was a background of a local feud, but warned people should not take the law into their own hands.