AN ornament that was stolen from a grave in a Worcester cemetery has been returned to its owners - just hours after an appeal in the Evening News.

Sisters Lin Gater and Julie Gunnell made an emotional plea on Thursday for the stone guardian angel, which was stolen from their parents grave, to be brought back.

Later that day, it was returned anonymously to Mrs Gunnell's home in Drake Avenue, Dines Green.

Mrs Gater thanked the person as well as the Evening News for getting the ornament back.

"My sister was so emotional when it was returned," she said.

"Someone just knocked on her door and said they had heard she'd lost an ornament, and gave it back to her.

"She burst into tears."

Mrs Gater said they were going to be putting the angel back on Stan and Ruby Freear's grave in St John's Cemetery more securely.

When they made their appeal on Thursday, they described the offender as "the lowest of the low."

Mrs Gater said the theft, which happened last weekend, had upset them all over again after the shock of having their parents die within a few months of each other last year and earlier this year.

They underwent counselling to help them get over the trauma.

The pair visit the joint grave three times a week, and devote much of their time to keeping it in good condition.

"It shows there are still some good people out there," said Mrs Gater. "I didn't think we'd ever see it again, to be quite honest.

"I'd also like to thank the Evening News. I don't think the angel would have been brought back if it wasn't for the article.

"Someone must have seen it and decided that it should be returned to its owners."