A WORCESTER teenager who stole cheques from his stepfather wrote a letter of apology to his mum.

Nineteen-year-old Anthony Harris was jailed for a year yesterday after admitting 12 offences including deception, taking vehicles without consent, driving without a licence, having no insurance, burglary, theft, failing to surrender to bail and perverting the course of justice.

Tracey Lloyd-Nesling, prosecuting at Worcester Crown Court, said Harris stole the cheques from his stepfather, Austin Davies, and cashed a total of £2,063.

He also stole clothes from Mr Davies's homes.

"He's had the decency to write a letter of apology to his mother," said Peter Arnold, defending.

He added that Harris went into care at the age of 13, and spent five years with foster parents.

"After leaving them, he was left to his own devices and he drifted into petty crime and heroin addiction," he said.

"He found himself in a parlous state."

Recorder John Denniss told Harris, of Avon Road, Tolladine, that stealing from members of his family was "particularly mean and nasty".