A RETIRED driving instructor and his wife will be celebrating tomorrow after successfully steering their way through 50 years of marriage.

May and Charles Wallace, both aged 70, met in The Shades pub in Mealcheapen Street, Worcester and soon decided to spend their lives together.

"We started off as friends, and it just went from there," said May.

The happy couple, of Keswick Drive, Brickfields, married 18 months later at St Mark's Church, Bath Road, before heading to Charles' home town of Dunfermline for a week's honeymoon.

Charles, known as Chic to his friends and family, was in Worcester completing his National Service when he met May.

After tying the knot, he spent 16 years in the Territorial Army and was awarded a medal for long service. He then became a long-distance removal driver, before working as a bus-driving instructor for Midland Red.

His next job was as manager of the BSM driving school, and he finished his working life as a private driving instructor.

May worked as a dry cleaning presser for Quality Cleaners, which was taken over by Sketchleys, from the age of 14 to 65.

They have two children, Barry, 48, and Lynda, 42, and six grandchildren. They also had another daughter, Jackie, who sadly died of cancer.

May and Charles spend much of their time gardening, and May also enjoys sewing.

"Give and take" is the secret to a successful marriage, they agree. "Everyone has their ups and downs, but you get over the bad times," said Charles.

They are now looking forward to a surprise event tomorrow, which is being organised by their children.

"We didn't intend to celebrate, but our children have got their heads together and they're planning something," said May.

"We'll have to wait and see what they've done."