n I AM most concerned about the proposed developments on the Diglis site by Bryant Homes in conjunction with British Waterways.

The plan to build in excess of 500 homes on this site has serious implications for the character of the area and the amount of traffic that the existing roads can reasonably support.

The development lies within a conservation zone, and many of the historic buildings are listed.

Five-storey apartments would be completely out of keeping with existing buildings, most of which are no more than three storeys plus a basement.

They would dominate the city skyline, obscure the attractive views of the canal basins and river and would not encourage the wider use of the area by residents and visitors.

The area needs to be attractively landscaped, with improved public walkways and river and canalside development.

The plans laid out at the public viewings suggested green areas by simply using green colours - questioning revealed that they were, in fact, intended as hard concrete patches, not grass and trees.

Worcester could benefit greatly from sensitive enhancement of this neglected part of the city.

It will not benefit from what could easily turn into a stark, barren, densely-housed estate.

This number of homes will inevitably produce almost 1,000 additional cars.

Access to Diglis is currently poor, via old and narrow streets that are predominantly residential in nature.

The proposal to construct a one-way system from Bath Road to Diglis Lane and out through Diglis Road is questionable.

There's already considerable heavy traffic along Diglis Road from the industrial estate, most of which will remain.

The meeting of Diglis Road, Mill Street and Bath Road is a very dangerous traffic and pedestrian junction.

The potential for accidents and serious traffic congestion can only increase.

I hope very much that the Evening News will be able to influence the final plans for this development and that it will ultimately be an area that will be a valuable asset to the city of Worcester.


Field Terrace,
