CAR owners are being urged to be more vigilant after a spate of vehicle break-ins in Worcester.

One car, a blue Vauxhall Astra parked in East Comer, near Henwick Road, had its door smashed, and a set of golf clubs on the back seat stolen on Wednesday night.

The left-handed Mizuno clubs are valued at £1,100.

Two cars also had cassette/CD players taken on the same night.

One was parked in Goldsmith Road and the other was in Lansdowne Street.

Police are advising drivers to think about where they park their vehicles and to remove any belongings from sight.

"We are appealing to people to be aware of opportunist thieves," said crimes risk manager PC Mike Stephenson.

"Always ensure your vehicle is locked when left unattended and never leave valuables on display in the car, no matter how quickly you will be returning.

"It takes only a matter of seconds for a thief to smash a window."

He said owners should consider where they park their cars, and should use a garage if possible or a well lit, open place.

Anyone wanting more crime prevention advice should visit their local police station and pick up a Home Office leaflet suggesting ways to keep your vehicle safe.

Anyone with information about these crimes should contact Worcester police on 01905 723888.