A WORCESTER performing arts group will be treading the boards when it takes its plays to the Edinburgh Festival.

The independent theatre group, called The Rabble, was given a Lottery grant from Awards For All for £4,700 in May.

Since then, members of the group, which rehearses at Worcester Technology College, have been working on two performances to take to the festival.

"There are seven members in The Rabble aged between 18 to 20," said Debbie Holland, a drama lecturer at Worcester College of Technology.

The group has teamed up with theatre company Other Voices, a group based in Worcester whose members have learning disabilities, for the festival.

"Other Voices has been going for nearly 15 years and is one of the leading disability performance companies in the UK," said Mrs Holland.

"The two groups have worked really well together.

"It has been a real eye-opener to see people with disabilities and non-disabilities working together."

Mrs Holland said The Rabble would be performing a play called Dream Catcher with Other Voices at the festival throughout next week as well as a play called Dali on its own.

Dream Catcher has been choreographed by Rose Beeston, of Dance Fest.

Billy Craythorne, chairman of The Rabble, has carried out the marketing for the Edinburgh Festival on behalf of both of the groups.