TRAINED security guards patrolling late night buses could stop drunken revellers causing a nuisance, Worcester residents claim.

If plans for a new late-night bus service take off, the Friday and Saturday service could cut vandalism caused by clubbers walking home.

Anne Merriman said late night revellers frequently walked past her home, causing damage to property

"I put hanging baskets up in May on Sunday evening and on Monday morning one was gone," said the 51-year-old, of Hylton Road.

"We've had damage done to cars and the language is unbelievable from people leaving pubs or clubs.

"We've all complained about it. They walk in the middle of the road, shouting and screaming."

The service, which could be running by October, plans to travel on two routes from the city centre to Dines Green and Warndon, from 6am until midnight on Mondays and Thursdays, until 3am on Fridays and Saturdays, and until 10pm on Sundays.

"I think the bus service is a great idea. It will help to stop drunks because if they can get a lift they are not going to walk," said Mrs Merriman, who has one son and has lived in Hylton Road for 20 years with her bus driver husband Charles.

"Having security guards on buses is a fantastic idea."

George Walton, who lives in Henwick Road, also welcomed the proposals.

"I have a double glazed conservatory and I can hear drunk youngsters through there," said the 72-year-old. "I heard them the other night at around midnight."

Summer Jones, a dispensing technician at DG Pharmacy, in Dines Green, said the weekend service would save her a fortune in taxi fare.

"During the weekend I have to stay at my aunt's in St John's after a night out," said the 23-year-old, of Callow End.

"A taxi now costs me £8.20 to St John's from Worcester, and it would cost £18 to Callow End."

She said it would be much cheaper to catch a bus to her aunt's in St John's after a night out.