WORCESTER city councillors have opposed plans to build 16 flats on Ribble Close in the Newtown area of Worcester because of traffic problems.

At a meeting of the planning committee members said that the volume and speed of traffic, particularly on Medway Road, had been a matter of concern to residents for many years.

They argued that the proposed flats would exacerbate that problem.

Chief planning officer, Peter Yates, reminded councillors that the initiative for the scheme had come partly from the planning committee to clean up a car park that was being used as a junkyard for cars.

"I am totally opposed to this. Enough is enough and I consider this to be a sledgehammer to crack a very tiny nut.

"All we wanted to do was clear up a small piece of land," said Councillor Mike Layland.

The proposed flats would also result in the loss of a piece of grassland used by children as a play area.

"There is a serious lack of playing areas for the children in this area.

"If we agree to this we are just going to make this situation worse."

He added that Medway Road was already a "death trap" and was in desperate need of traffic calming measures.

His views were supported by committee members who voted to refuse the development.