MID-Worcestershire MP Peter Luff has asked constituents what issues concern them most.

More than 200 of the questionnaires sent out in his newsletter were returned.

And these included responses from almost every community in his constituency.

When asked how they thought more money should be found for more police officers, 79 per cent said it should come from a fairer share of national funds rather than an increase in council tax.

Seventy per cent said they thought there should be a full public inquiry into foot-and-mouth.

And the majority of respondents did not agree with Government plans for a regional assembly based in Birmingham.

Quite satisfied

But Mr Luff said the most surprising result was about the NHS - more than 40 per cent said they were "quite satisfied" with the local health service.

Only 19 per cent said they were quite dissatisfied and 10 per cent said they were very dissatisfied.

"I am delighted that my constituents agree with me about the perils of regional government and the need for a full public inquiry into foot-and-mouth.

"The police authority - and the Government - should note the clear resistance to further increases in the council tax precept to pay for adequate policing," Mr Luff said.

He said that he would be reflecting their priorities in the coming political year.