IT is often useful to claim nimbyism on the part of those objecting to large-scale planning proposals on their doorsteps which sometimes serves to cloud the genuine issue.

In any case, which of us in honesty would not be concerned if such proposals were to affect the value of our property that for most of us represents the greatest financial investment we shall make.

With regard to Walton Marine's present proposal to double in size the marina basin and construct a Holiday Village, management has again suggested a degree of nimbyism from Ripple residents, as if their proposals will not affect the rest of the town.

People may decide not to put their concerns in writing for many reasons, but for those who wish to hear, there is plenty of talk on the High Street.

No doubt if we are all suffering from paranoid nimbyism, the affliction could soon be remedied by a course of collective counselling from the appropriate local registered charity, something else we desperately need on a prime site on our High Street.

