CONCERNS that Pitchcroft is being stolen from the people of Worcester by stealth are heightened by N Taylor's letter (You Say, July 29).

I well remember the memorial plaque beside the main gate to which he refers and feel citizens are entitled to an explanation of why and when it was removed, by whom and on what authority.

Equally pertinent, on what authority was a large sign recently erected near the entrance proclaiming that this land is "Worcester Racecourse" rather than "Pitchcroft"?

These and other questions require an answer not from the racing management agency but from the Chief Executive of Worcester City Council, the authority that appointed the agency and which acts on citizens' behalf. Correspondence in your columns indicates that the time for such answers is now.

If, as seems possible, changes have been made without authority, the citizens of Worcester are justified in demanding removal of the new sign, restoration of the old plaque or a replica together with an explanation of policy concerning Pitchcroft.

