A WORCESTER man could be jailed for attacking a man after a heavy drinking session in the city centre.

Nicholas Harford, aged 26, admitted affray and resisting arrest at Worcester Magistrates Court yesterday.

Harford had drunk eight pints of beer before challenging two men to a fight near the Pheasant pub, on New Street, on Tuesday, March 30, this year.

Edward Soulsby, prosecuting, said Harford's victim, Ian Edwards, had been drinking with a friend in the city centre and they were on their way home when Harford approached them in an aggressive manner.

He said Harford, of Christchurch Road, Tolladine, accused Edwards' friend of staring at him in the pub and challenged him to "sort it out one on one."

When Edwards tried to intervene, he made the same challenge to him, said Mr Soulsby.

"Harford came at him and tried to punch him," he said. "He reacted by taking him to the ground and there was a scuffle."

Mr Edwards said Harford struck him on the side of the head, said Mr Soulsby.

When the police arrived, Harford was abusive and resisted being handcuffed, saying his arm was hurting.

He was then wrestled to the ground and suffered injuries including a damaged shoulder.

Charles Hamer, defending, said drink played a substantial role in the entire incident, and pointed out that Edwards and his friend had also drunk a lot.

"He accepts that his behaviour was such that it would make people fear for their safety," he said.

But he said the police made matters worse when he resisted arrest, injuring him to such an extent that he had to go to hospital.

Most of the incident was captured on CCTV.

Harford also admitted two breaches of bail and possession of cannabis.

The case was adjourned until Thursday, August 29 for a pre-sentence report.

Magistrates said all options, including custody, should be considered when Harford was sentenced.