A BIKE used for delivering prescriptions to the elderly was stolen, damaged and then returned in a motiveless attack in Worcester.

Councillor Margaret Layland, who works as a healthcare assistant at DG Pharmacy, in Dines Green, had left her maroon bicycle chained to railings outside the shop.

But while Coun Layland was working, the bike was taken. She did not notice it had gone until later that day.

Two weeks later, the bike was returned - with twisted handlebars, slashed tyres, a ripped seat and string hanging off the pedals.

"It was as though someone had ridden over it with another bike," she said.

"The bike was ideal for popping to the doctor's surgery and taking prescriptions to elderly ladies, or anyone who needed them really," she said.

"It takes a long time to walk around the estate and it's hardly worth taking the van out, so the bike was ideal."

Coun Layland, who had owned the three-speed Apollo bike for five years, said it was taken on Friday, July 19, after it was chained up by a tree.

"It was an old bike with black and white brake cables, so it was very distinctive," said Coun Layland.

"I put the word around to the youngsters on the estate and asked them to look out for it."

Coun Layland said her bike was spotted last Wednesday by Judy Threadgold, who also works at DG Pharmacy.

"Judy saw a teenage lad whizz past the shop on the bike," said Coun Layland, from Broadway Grove, Worcester.

"There were other children around and I asked them if they knew where it was.

"About half-an-hour later they brought it back and it was trashed.

"I felt gutted.

"If someone had sold it or used it, it wouldn't have been so bad."