WORK has nearly finished on a new pinnacle at Worcester Cathedral.

Stonemasons are carving the finishing touches to the £70,000 pinnacle, specially made for the Cathedral after a huge fund-raising drive.

"The pinnacle will be finished quite shortly," said Lee White, the Cathedral's fund-raising officer.

She explained that the original pinnacles had been removed many years ago, as they were unstable due to iron erosion.

"We raised the money to put one pinnacle back and it has totally changed the view from High Street," added Mrs White.

"If you look up from the Guildhall you can see it rising above trees and it's something for the Worcester skyline."

Cathedral architect Chris Romain revealed that there had originally been 10 pinnacles, but now there are seven.

"It's taken about five or six months to make this one and we hope to replace another one."

Anyone who wants to donate to the fund-raising appeal should contact the Cathedral on 01905 611002.