A WORCESTER man is set to launch himself out of a plane to raise cash for a hospital where his two children underwent heart surgery.

Alan Price has signed up for a parachute jump to raise funds for Birmingham Children's Hospital.

His three-year-old daughter Cerrin and son J-J, 20 months, have both undergone treatment in wards 11 and 12, the hospital's cardiac wards.

"There are about 40 people who will be doing the jump in Hinton, near Oxford and if anyone else wants to come along then the more the merrier," said the 31-year-old, from Bath Road.

"We would just ask that people who either want to do the jump, or who want to sponsor us, contact us as soon as possible."

Mr Price organised the jump with his 33-year-old wife Victoria, after their daughter underwent a major operation for holes in the heart and their son was born with part of his pulmonary artery missing.

"We have got a lot of our friends and family involved in the event to help raise money for the hospital," he added.

"We're not sure how much we will raise yet but hopefully it will be quite a lot, at least £12,000.

"I'm a bit nervous about the jump but I am also quite excited about it.

"It will be from 3,000ft and is the first one I've ever done."

Victoria is co-ordinating the sponsorship and has already secured financial backing from Harrods and Siemens.

"The staff really have been absolutely fabulous, really supportive," he added.

The jumps will take place on Saturday, September 7 and Sunday 8, and anyone wanting to sign up, or to sponsor the event, can contact Victoria Price on 07951 893425.