ONCE again the issue of teenage pregnancy is prominent in the media, with calls from some MPs for a review into the Government's strategy for tackling it.

At Parentline Plus, we understand the complexities surrounding this issue and feel it is important that the general public can engage in the issues being debated.

Our position is that we think it is vital to support parents in taking their role in teaching their children about sex and relationships.

It is no wonder that teenagers are confused about sex. On one hand it is thrust at them in advertising, films, TV and magazines and on the other it is still largely treated as a taboo subject shrouded in mystery.

Is it then any wonder that young people seem so obsessed with the subject? We can't bury our heads in the sand and hope that the fascination will wear off.

Instead, parents and carers need to talk to their children and take the responsibility of passing on their own values and ensuring their children have all the facts.

We know how difficult it can be for parents to embark on such conversations, which is why we have trained our call takers on our confidential free helpline (0808 800 2222) to offer support, and produced a leaflet with a few tips and hints on getting started.

DORIT BRAUN, Chief Executive,

Parentline Plus.