I AM worried about us handing over all our money to Frankfurt, to be controlled by the European Central Bank.

This is a body of appointed bankers who will run the UK economy if we adopt the euro. No one votes for the ECB, which is unaccountable for its actions. It does not publish its forecasts, or the minutes of its deliberations.

Decisions taken by the ECB are among the most sensitive actions deployed in a modern economy. They determine our interest rates, thereby influencing the growth of living standards and the level of unemployment.

The ECB has performed badly since the launch of the euro, presiding over mass unemployment and failing to meet its own inflation targets. By not adopting the euro the UK will be spared from the failed policies of the ECB.

The ECB members cannot be removed from office by the Council of Ministers, the European Court, or even the European Parliament, which is the only democratically elected body in the EU.

We have a far superior monetary policy framework, via the Bank of England, which is delivering a better inflation and employment performance. The Bank of England has our best interests at heart!

Can the same be said of the ECB?

