A HARD-hitting poster campaign is being launched by Herefordshire Council in an attempt to combat problems underfoot.

The huge posters, which will start to appear later this month, tackle the unpleasant environmental problems of rats and dog dirt, with graphic illustrations.

Posters about dog fouling will appear on council sites throughout the county and on the sides of Herefordshire commercial services vehicles.

"We are aware that these posters are quite unpleasant, but then so is the subject matter," said Councillor Chris Grover, cabinet member for the environment.

"Slowly the message is being brought home that people do not want to see this mess on the streets and that dog owners have a responsibility to clear up after their pet."

The amount of food litter on the streets and roadside is being blamed for the increase in the rat population and local food outlets will be asked to display posters of rats enjoying a free meal.

"We are very lucky in that a great number of our food outlets are very particular about clearing litter from around their premises," said waste management officer Tony Lindsay-Jones.

"The problem is more about food taken away and discarded elsewhere. This ultimately attracts vermin and can turn an environmental problem into a health one as well."

Animal health and welfare manager Mike Higgins said that he believed more people were clearing up mess after their dogs than ever before, but the few who did not were spoiling it for the rest.

The campaign posters have been provided by EnCam, formerly the Tidy Britain Group.