POLICE are liaising with the RSPCA after bodies of badgers with severe injuries to their heads were found on a narrow, little-used road in Beoley.

A member of the public riding along a dirt-track section of Moss Lane discovered three of the animals dead on the path within four days.

Paula Leddy, who found the badgers last weekend near where her horses are stabled, said she believed badger baiting was taking place.

"This was such a horrifying thing to discover," said Mrs Leddy.

"I really don't understand how anybody could do such a thing in the name of supposed fun.

"These animals had their heads caved in and looked like they were tortured before suffering an agonising death - all I can think is people who class this as entertaining are evil."

It is believed the animals may have been killed and then dragged into the road to make it look as if they had been run over.

Although there is not yet absolute proof of badger baiting, police believe car collisions were not the cause.

Pc Bob Ebbit, wildlife officer for Redditch police, said: "It's unlikely these badgers were hit by a car as the lane where they were found was small and narrow.

"I shall be liaising with the RSPCA and various badger groups and my inquiries into this incident are continuing."

A police spokesman added: "Badger baiting is a criminal offence but the difficulty is actually proving it has taken place."

Anybody who has seen anything suspicious in the area should call Redditch police on 584888.