AN Alvechurch pensioner has been hailed as 'one of the quiet heroes of society' for nearly four decades of commitment as a blood donor.

Harry Hickman, 69, of Blythesway, first gave blood about 37 years ago and was recently presented with an award for 75 donations - although he has since clocked up a grand total of 78.

Mr Hickman was one of 32 donors honoured at a ceremony at The Burlington Hotel, Birmingham, who received either a crystal plate for 75 donations or a crystal decanter for 100.

Sara Jane Evans, who has severe anaemia and relies on blood transfusions every four to six weeks, presented the awards.

Mr Hickman said it gave him a sense of satisfaction to have met someone who benefited from blood donations.

For details about becoming a blood donor, call 0845 7711 711 or visit

Potential donors must be aged between 17 and 60.