WITH a little over four weeks to go until their new season kicks-off, Bromsgrove Rugby Club's first team is back in training under no illusions as to what lies ahead of them.

Since winning promotion to Midlands One, the team has appointed a new first XV captain in Dean Ball and there is no doubt in his mind as to what he wants to achieve from the forthcoming campaign.

"I would be aiming to be competing for promotion and still be in the chase come January or February," he said. "Anything else will be a bonus. I am not looking to consolidate. Our aim is to be competing for promotion come the last six games of the season."

And his thoughts are echoed by coach David Stout who has every confidence his team can do well, starting at home to Barkers Butts on Saturday, September 7.

Stout said: "We have to approach this season believing we are very capable of competing at the top end of the league. There is no other reason for going in other than to win it."

Winning Midlands Two West last April has propelled the club to a level it has never competed at before and the reality of where they are is beginning to sink in.

Ball said: "We are one league win away from national league rugby, which is good for the club itself and the youth set up, which has always been very strong.

"We want a taste of national rugby and after that we will see where we go.

"We have a lot of players that have played at a higher level to get the club into national level."

The new skipper, who takes over from Andy Bridge, accepts it will not be easy but wants his team to find the form which saw them win 21 of 22 league games last season.

"I think it's mainly trying to continue what we achieved last year - good team spirit and the will to win, even when not performing," Ball added.

"The main thing is that we can still compete at the level we have got ourselves to rather than going back down the leagues."

Coach Stout too recognises the changes that come with moving up a league and he has tried to instil a winning ethic into his players.

He said: "This team has been together for three years and I have tried to develop into them a great deal of team spirit and belief they can take on to the pitch and gain belief they can perform and will perform.

"Every time you move up a league the speed of the game and thought increases and players are expected to be fitter, faster and more capable."

And one thing the club needs to do to meet the new standards is hold on to its personnel and nurture younger talent.

Skipper Ball said: "The trouble is we have always lost players to clubs like Stourbridge, Dudley Kingswinford, Moseley, Coventry and Worcester."

But having said that, Ball says he has no problem with letting players go if they are good enough to play at higher levels.

So far, the close season has seen prop Alex Fellows and hooker David Hurcombe, who also plays blind side flanker, join the squad.

Bromsgrove Rugby Club is looking for new sponsors. For details, call John Berlyn on 0121 507 9000.