Four star

THIS excellent eponymous offering could mean great, great things to come for these Scouse youngsters.

They've forged a pretty original sound from a variety of influences (Cream, The Clash and The Who to name a few) and play good pop rock like few bands around at the moment.

Mixing funk with a bit of reggae and soul and adding some rich but rough vocals means a giddy melting pot of styles come cleanly together to make some quite hypnotic listening.

Spanish Main is a circular chant which starts the album in unusual style.

Remember When starts sombrely before kicking into a good old stomp while Skeleton Key could have been on Cream's Disraeli Gears, which this album shares a similar cover with.

Waiting For The Heartache wraps a tight riff around an addictive chorus and wins my vote for best song on the album.

But most of the tracks are extremely singable, which after all is what good pop is about.

And if these six young men carry on as they've started they are sure to gain the even greater respect they most certainly deserve. Good stuff.