Four star

IT'S not going to happen, is it? I'm not going to say that Danny Boy's new live double CD is one big slice of cheesecake, with an over-emphasis on blarney.

For a start, despite common perception, it's not. And even if it were, would Daniel's legions of adoring fans believe it? Would they care?

No! In the same way Eminem fans would rightly disregard criticism of lack of tune and over-use of the word "bitch", if you're a fan of either you'll buy their album regardless of anything you read.

Other performers leave room for persuasion either way but not the Real Slim Shady or Danny, champion of the world.

Daniel's CD is a 27-course feast of Irish music - a double CD of classics, medleys, duets, served up with accordion, flutes and all things Gaelic.

The singing is happy, snappy, and faultless. The talking in between songs must be wonderful if you're an ardent fan and is quite amusing if you're not. Close your eyes and you're at a social on Craggy Island.

I could quite happily buy this album, but I daren't. 'Become a fan, and we'll disown you' warned my teenager daughter. Sorry Daniel.