A LICKEY church group is seeking support to improve a popular village amenity and create a parish office.

Lickey Parochial Church Council (PCC) wants to build a new entrance, toilets and first floor offices at the parish hall, in Old Birmingham Road.

The scheme will cost around £65,000 and blueprints are being scrutinised by Lickey and Blackwell Parish Council before Bromsgrove District Council makes a final decision.

Offices above a new porch would provide accommodation for parish administration and possibly meetings.

The PCC office is currently based at the Parish Centre, in Sandhills Road, Barnt Green, but this is only a temporary measure and the organisation has been seeking an alternative site since January.

PCC secretary Sandra Smith said it was unanimously agreed the best option was to extend the parish hall because it's located close to Holy Trinity Church, in Rose Hill.

Worshippers still need to raise further funds and will be seeking grants and support from parishioners.

Sandra told the Advertiser/Messenger: "Lickey has no village centre as such and much of the community activity is based at the hall."

The venue is popular with community organisations including children's clubs, church groups for young and old, an art society, a drama club, a lunch club for the elderly, the Women's Institute, a flower club and hosts many social events.

If the proposals win approval it would mean someone would be available during office hours to deal with queries or bookings for the hall or the church.

The extension would also provide ramped access, a toilet for the disabled, baby changing facilities plus extra storage space. The present flat roof would also be replaced with a gable.