A STOKE Pound woman has written a book about her experiences teaching English in Uganda.

The Money Tree is Ingrid Pasteur's account of two and a half years spent in the African country between 1997 and 2000.

Living on the college compound, about two or three miles from the nearest town, she taught English to those training to be teachers.

She first went to Uganda, where she met her husband, in the sixties. She decided to go back there after her husband retired to teach at a college.

When Ingrid left in 2000, to be with her family, she was presented with a traditional Ugandan costume.

Ingrid, of Buntsford Hill, said: "You only ever hear about Uganda when the people are dying of starvation. This book is about the ordinary people I met and the experiences I had with them."

It is available from Ottakars, in High Street, or by calling Ingrid on 01527 831192.