WHY do some of your correspondents insist on bringing up Hitler in reference to the European Union (You Say, Tuesday, July 30).

For those of you still living 60 years in the past, can I remind you of the following facts about the EU?

1 Most young people throughout the EU speak English. How many UK citizens can say they are fluent in another language, let alone our own?

2 The main purpose of the euro is to allow people to buy goods and travel easily throughout the EU.

3 A proposed European Army is to allow everyone in the EU to have an adequate security, without having to always rely on the US for help.

4 Nearly 80 per cent of all the UK exports go directly to EU States. A 15 per cent tariff would be placed on these goods if we were not members of the EU.

Are some of your readers seriously thinking this nation could survive outside the EU? I feel opponents to the EU really need to get out more and come to terms with the fact that we now live in the 21st Century.

