BIDFORD villagers packed out the parish council meeting on Monday angry at questions in the parish appraisal.

Residents put forward their concerns about the questionnaire sent out to all households and in particular, the questions about opening one end of the High Street to cars.

The aim of the appraisal is to create a village plan which is taken into consideration by councils and funding agencies when deciding on future issues.

The main idea is that it must reflect the needs of everyone in the community.

The appraisal needs to be completed to secure vital funding for the village and if only 50 per cent of villagers or less return the questionnaire, money will not become available.

At the meeting councillors said they hoped to get all questionnaires back by the end of September when a public statement would be made.

Results of the questionnaire findings will be presented to Stratford district and Warwickshire county councils and the Countryside Agency.