AN Alcester man sexually abused a young girl with such force that his victim had to be rushed to hospital with severe bleeding.

Unknown to the girl's parents, Nigel Addison, who went on to abuse a young boy, had been cautioned six years ago for an offence of indecency with a child.

Addison, 41, of Crooks Lane, was jailed for five years by a judge at Warwick Crown Court after he had pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting the two children.

He was ordered to register for life as a sex offender and Judge James Pyke ordered that on his release he should be subject to an extended period on licence of three-and-a-half years.

Louise Pierpoint, prosecuting, said that in January Addison was at the five-year-old girl's home when he called to her mother to say she was injured.

Prior to that, according to the girl's father, there had been no signs of her having been harmed in any way.

But her mother found her to be in distress, severe pain and bleeding.

An examination carried out under general anaesthetic at hospital revealed she had severe injuries to her private parts.

When Addison was questioned by police he said he did not know how she had received the injuries, claiming she was in that state when he saw her and suggested they had been self-inflicted.

But when he was questioned again after a report by a consultant paediatrician, he accepted he had been responsible.

He went on to admit he had subjected a young boy to similar abuse on one occasion after the attack on the girl, said Mrs Pierpoint.

Alison Scott-James, defending, said: "He pleaded guilty and that is the extent of his mitigation.

"There is a psychiatric report on him and he clearly feels guilt and shame for what happened."

Judge Pyke told Addison: "Offences of this nature are so serious that only a substantial sentence of imprisonment can be justified."