DEAR EDITOR - I for one must respond to comments on the Letters page of July 24 from Bromsgrove District Councillor Peter McDonald, about Rubery's 'Plague of Rats'.

He is very mistaken in his condemnation of David Williams and his environmental health team.

When a problem is reported, we do not receive a 'second class service' of which these council officials and staff have been accused.

The levels of service I normally receive from this very helpful department, when I have reported a problem, has been first class.

If the councillor feels that this department gives poor value for money, the Government Inspectors would have highlighted the matter.

The picture painted by Bromsgrove District Councillor Peter McDonald (Labour Uffdown and Waseley) is of a Rubery needing a Pied Piper, which is far from the truth.

If he had bothered to visit the New Road shopping centre, half a mile from his home, he would find that in the half hour I stood there, that no rats were to be seen.

He is mistaking the council for the Council - but I suppose there is an election coming soon!

John L Horwood,

Rubery resident/businessman and chairman of Rubery Business
