GOLF: Grant Carbines won the Men's July Medal at Cleobury Mortimer and then gained the third best nett score in the Men's Club Championship.

July Medal, 66 entries, Division One: Carbines 4 handicap 67 nett, Mike Toone jnr 9-69, Sam Pringle jnr 6-69; Div Two: Clive Wycherley 15-67, Les Madeley 17-72, Pete Munslow 13-73; Div Three: Graham Perks 20-62, Steve Martin 23-67, Carl Genese 22-68.

July Stableford, 107, Div One: David Pain 9-40 , Mark Roberts 11-39, John Sadler 12-37; Div Two: Tom Smith 18-43, Keith Goldthorpe 14-39, Bob Butcher 17-38; Div Three: Rick Clayton 26-43, Dave Morris 19-41, Andy Bowater 19-40.

Club Championships, 66, over 36 holes, best gross: Joe Ferguson 136 (66 and 70), Alan Sykes 139 (70, 69), Tim Hall 142 (71, 71); best nett: Jack Pringle jnr 9 handicap 135 nett (75,78), Pain 10-135 (76, 79), Carbines 4-136 (72, 72).