AN exhibition celebrating 900 years of a village priory church proved a historical treasure-trove.

Registers and documents from as far back as the 16th century were some of the highlights of the display held in St Peter's Church, Astley, which was specially decorated for the occasion.

"We had a typical time-line from 1100 until 2002," explained churchwarden Eric Walker, one of six people who helped organise the display.

"On the bottom we put things that had happened in the church and on top we had national events."

But times have not necessarily changed. "In 1200 the church was reported to the Pope because it wasn't paying its dues - the same kind of thing that goes on now!"

Among the famous parishioners of the church was Francis Ridley Havergal, a prolific 19th century hymn-writer, who had a girls college in Canada named after her.

Others were less fortunate and some documents showed children as young as eight being signed up as apprentices.

Mr Walker said those who did attend - including a 55-strong party on the last day - were "taken aback" by the exhibition and the beauty of the building.