JOHN Stych of Wyre Piddle (Letters, August 1) should have considered a few facts before writing such a childish letter.

Firstly, with no waste plan, our county council, as the waste authority, allowed Mercia to plan an incinerator in the top north east corner of the county, near to the West Midlands.

Secondly, the chosen site was in a built-up area of Kidderminster, near to housing, schools and the river and canal conservation areas. Further, it was on the busiest road in town.

Thirdly, the county council's planning committee rejected Mercia's proposals by a resounding 11 votes to two, and the subsequent appeal by Mercia was also rejected, following a public inquiry. Our county council led the opposition at that hearing.

While there is no argument about the need to reduce our landfill, any solution involving incineration must be the subject of very careful consideration and should represent the needs of the whole of the two counties, not Mercia's future plans.

Clearly Kidderminster is not a suitable location, and John Stych should be a little more careful before inferring that the people of Kidderminster are NIMBYs.



Flint Close
