ON Saturday night, July 20, I fell ill with pains to the side of my face.

I could not open my mouth and was unable to eat my Sunday lunch as I had great difficulty in swallowing, due to excessive pain, and began running a temperature.

I decided to do the obvious thing and drove myself to primary care at Kidderminster Hospital, where I asked to see a doctor.

I was told the doctors would refuse to see me because it was a dental-related illness and that I should wait until Monday morning and consult a dentist.

I asked what I should do in the meantime. I was called in to the Minor Injuries Unit to see a nurse and was given an emergency telephone number to ring to get dental treatment on Monday.

I rang the number and was told I could not have dental treatment until my condition had returned to normal. However, I was given an appointment for August 23 - just 31 days to wait.

Sorry, Dr Taylor, although I admire you for all you have done (I voted for you for that very reason) I am unable to see how you can possibly get back for Kidderminster Hospital the services it deserves if I am not allowed to see primary care when I am ill.

Could someone please tell me the meaning of "primary" because it doesn't seem to be known at Kidderminster.

I am looking forward to my emergency treatment on August 23.


