I HAD occasion to visit the new magistrates court in Kidderminster, and it is quite a magnificent building.

I sat in reception with probably 50 others, awaiting a call to the court room.

The tannoy system went off from time to time, but was so distorted no-one could tell what was said. It was like a pre-war railway system, and it crossed my mind that perhaps it had been bought from the nearby auction rooms.

However, someone came to tell me I was required at Court Three, and showed me the way - there were no signs.

The case went on for about 15 minutes but I was unable to hear what was said. Neither could my ex-wife or my 16-year-old son, as the acoustics were very bad.

On leaving the court room I spoke to the clerk and he agreed with me that he could not hear either, and this was quite usual.


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