TWO stray puppies rescued from the bottom of a rubbish pile have become the innocent victims in a row brewing between an animal rescue charity and Wychavon District Council.

The council claims that the charity's failure to report the pups' rescue left their mother wandering the lanes around Badsey longer than necessary, and may mean that they are never reunited.

The pups, featured in last week's Journal, were found in a microwave box underneath about 40 black bin bags by Sindie Sinclair, of the Greenacres Animal Rescue Centre, Badsey, on Saturday July 27. Mrs Sinclair was alerted to the pups' plight by two girls who heard squealing from the pile only yards from the centre in Sands Lane.

The following day the council received several reports of a terrier on the run between Badsey and Willersey, and for the next three days dog wardens tried to catch it.

When they did, last Wednesday, they realised she had recently had puppies and, as they could not be found, her milk was drained by a vet.

Pip Singleton, the district council's dog warden, said: "This could all have been avoided and the mum reunited with her pups had we been notified immediately through the correct channels.

"Whether the strays are picked up by a member of the public or dumped at a charity or animal rescue centre the council still has to be notified because it has a statutory duty to hold a stray register. We also have a book to register all the dogs so that owners and their pets can be reunited.

"The mother and pups have not been re-united as the kennels wish to hold the pups as they are the finders."

But Mrs Sinclair is not convinced that the terrier is the mother of the pups, and claims that it is not her duty to report every stray that she takes in.

"This was well publicised. It's not my fault that they the district council didn't get in touch with us," she said.

Mrs Sinclair has had a number of offers of homes for the puppies, which she has named Spot and Lucky.

Members of the public who find strays should call the dog warden on 01386 565233.