AN angry mother has accused the district council of breaking its word after a paddling pool's opening was delayed.

Zoe Guck, 28, took her baby daughter to Bewdley's Northwood Lane pool on Tuesday after she had seen reports stating it would be ready.

But she - and about 30 other mothers - discovered the pool empty and deserted, she claimed.

Wyre Forest District Council agreed at a meeting last month to open both the Northwood Lane and St George's Park pool in Kidderminster by August 6.

But council leader Eliz-abeth Davies denied it had broken its word and said concerned residents were informed by letter the opening date had been put back.

Miss Guck, of Wood Street, Kidderminster, said: "We all feel very let down.The council can't keep its word.

"There's nowhere else in Bewdley for children to play in a pool. It's a very important facility"

Mrs Davies countered that residents who wrote to the council about the earlier closure of the pool had received replies since the council meeting stating the revised opening date of August 19.

However, she said it was "unfortunate" people had turned up to find an empty pool.

She added: "The repairs at Northwood Lane are very complex. The contractors started on site on July 31and we are moving as fast as we can."