SCOUTS look set to be brought under the umbrella of Kidderminster's town twinning arrangements with Germany for the first time.

It follows a friendship that has been struck up between Scout leaders in Husum and Kidderminster. Charles Talbot welcomes Scout leader visitors Peter and Ellen Bang from Germany.

Charles Talbot, secretary of the twinning association, hailed the link-up as a real "breakthrough".

The chance of a stronger link between Scout groups in the two towns has come about through a friendship between the leaders of 8th Kidderminster Scout Group, Jerry and Val Mayfield, of Ludlow Road, Kidderminster, and Peter and Ellen Bang, Scout leaders at the Danish School in Husum.

Mr and Mrs Bang have been visiting Britain and accepted an invitation to stay with Mr and Mrs Mayfield for a few days.

Mrs Mayfield said the visit had helped cement links between the two Scout groups and she hoped it would lead to permanent reciprocal arrangements.

"Our Beaver leader Karen Morris set the ball rolling and we have just taken things from there. Peter and Ellen have had a great time and we are hoping to go over to Husum to see them and further the arrangement," she said.

Twinning between Kidderminster and Husum goes back 25 years. Initially groups from the two towns used to make reciprocal visits each year but now Mr Talbot said things were happening between the two towns on an "almost daily basis".

Last October a choir from the Hermann Tast High School in Husum visited Kidderminster. Next year, musicians from Kidderminster will celebrate the 400th anniversary of Husum's town charter.

Mr Talbot said: "We have found it difficult to get the Scouts involved in the past but we are seeing this latest development as a real breakthrough."

As part of their visit Mr and Mrs Bang visited Kidderminster Town Hall where they were entertained by Dr Rod Summers and Norman Broome, the chairman and life vice-president of the twinning association.