BED-blocking at Worcestershire Royal Hospital is causing waiting lists in the county to rise well above target levels, the latest figures have revealed.

Many out-patients and in-patients face unacceptably long waits for treatment within Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.

The total number of patients waiting for in-patient or day case treatment was five per cent above the Trust's target in June.

The number waiting 12 months or longer for in-patient or day case treatment is even more serious. The June figures are 70 per cent above the target.

Meanwhile, 598 out-patients waited 13 weeks or more for a first appointment, 38 per cent above June's target.

Problems have been caused by delayed discharges, many of which are in Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

Some of the patients involved in the delays are awaiting completion of assessment, but others are waiting for nursing home or residential home placements.

"We're significantly away from our waiting list profile," said David Moon, South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust's director of finance, at the Trust's board meeting.

"One of the main reasons for the waiting lists is delayed discharges. We're trying to get a grip on it."

June Patel, director of clinical services and nursing, said a lot of work was being put in to enable discharges to happen.

"Social services have secured funding from the Social Services Inspectorate," she said.

"Two bids have been approved - one is to waive fees for local authority homes which provide rehabilitative care, and the other is to develop a rapid response team at Worcestershire Royal Hospital to enable people to be reviewed when they come into accident and emergency."

Mr Moon said he was confident the situation would get better.

"The figures should improve over the coming months," he said. "It's incumbent on us to work closely with the Acute Trust."

PCT chairman Michael Ridley said a lot of problems were caused by people missing appointments.

"It's important people turn up for app- ointments," he said.

"We all have to work together."