PAUNTLEY Church harvest supper has been arranged for Wednesday, September 24.

By kind invitation of Mrs Christine Skelding, Pauntley Court provided the lovely setting for the music and poetry evening that was enjoyed by the 70 people who attended. They were entertained by Rachel Pierce (cello) and Elizabeth Taylor (piano) with poetry readings by Emma England.

A delicious fork supper followed and £734 was raised for the church roof repair fund. Thanks go to all who helped and all who supported the event.

For your diary - a cheese and wine party will be held in Pauntley Memorial Hall on Saturday, August 31 at 7pm. It is being held as a joint venture to raise funds both for the hall and for Pauntley Playgroup. Tickets are £5 to include a glass of wine. For further details, ring Eunice Cooper on (01531) 820090.