IN September, district councillors will be faced with the most important decision since the planning application for Waitrose.

The current management of The Malvern Theatres provides excellent value for money and offers a high quality programme on a comparatively low level of subsidy.

So why are we being asked to consider transferring the management of the Theatres to an outside commercial operator?

The answer lies in the 10 per cent overspend at the time of the £6 million redevelopment of The Malvern Theatres. Since then the £600,000 debt has hung like a millstone around the neck of the current management.

This is not a time for recriminations or apportioning blame. We are where we are. It seems to me that we should not be seduced by the offer from Ambassadors Theatre Group to service the debt in return for a long-term management contract.

I would have serious reservations over ATG's ability to maintain the excellent quality of performance or guarantee community access to the many local amateur groups.

Above all, I am concerned that a commercial operator may well jeopardise the very special status Malvern Theatres has in the arts world.

Neither must we allow ourselves to be led into simply choosing from the two bids currently on the table.

Instead, we should take the opportunity to enter into dialogue with the current management. We should seek not only to place the finances on a sound footing, but also to achieve an even better deal for local tax payers.

The district council, as owners of the property, will need to provide financial assistance, in the form of either a grant or loan, to overcome the long standing debt.

I intend to meet with Nic Lloyd and other leading members of the local arts world to ensure a viable business plan is in place and discuss the reconstitution of the Board of Trustees to include a representative from local community amateur groups. The possibility of offering any unsold tickets to local residents at a reduced rate on the evening of a performance should also be considered.

Over the years the people of Malvern and surrounding villages have given of their time and money for their theatre. During the period of public consultation, it is essential that their voice is properly heard.

Coun Tom Wells, leader of the opposition Liberal Democrat Group.