IT seems inconceivable that Malvern Hills District Council can be seriously considering selling one of Malvern's greatest assets - its theatre complex.

I thought it was supposed to look after Malvern and its people!

We live in an area of outstanding beauty, have been left a unique Victorian heritage which must be preserved, if not in aspic at least for future generations to appreciate, and we have a theatre complex which is the envy of many far larger towns. It is run superbly by the present management, backed by the voluntary workers, gives pleasure to a far wider audience than just Malvern, brings in tourists and their money, and yet the council appears to want to sell it off. Why?

It brought in a consultant who told the council the theatre is excellent. Stop spending money on the use of consultants to tell you what should be obvious to anyone with common sense. Stop using 'best value' just in terms of the economic sense.

Members of the council, please listen to the people of Malvern - we do not want to lose our theatre to an outside body. We want you to look after the heritage of the area and keep one of its greatest assets.

KATHARINE BARBER (chairman, Malvern Civic Society) Hawkwood