REFERRING to recent letters about the killing of the garden birds and small creatures by the cat population, I too, have been extremely concerned about this with my cat.

They are unnecessarily cruel and torture their victims by teasing for their own sport, probably because of our pampering. They no longer have to kill for food, do they? Their natural way of being is disturbed and they torment out of boredom.

So, I took the advice of letter and bought a collar with a bell (£3.25)! It was on for precisely two days. The second of those two days saw three large mice and a young rat brought to the door. Since then, one half-grown rabbit! I've since removed the collar as a waste of time and money. Do I get a refund from the collar makers, or from the author of the letter?

May I also reiterate a note written a while ago to Your Letters regarding an unwritten country law of my childhood whereby bonfires, if you must have one, were lit at the dusk when everyone mostly has returned indoors. There is often a stillness at the hour before dark when smoke will rise straight up and therefore be of less irritation to neighbours.

MARIE FRANCIS, Wells Road, Malvern Wells.