THE two proposals for the Theatres are compared in the MHDC consultation document, which says "each has particular strengths and offers different advantages."

It says that the Nic Lloyd bid provides a distinctive programme of work which is tailor-made for Malvern, while ATG offers access to a variety of work on tour nationally and economies of scale which arise from being a producer and operator of many venues.

It describes Mr Lloyd's programme as having a strong emphasis on drama, while ATG may offer a "more mixed programme".

"The commercial operator model offers the possibility of transferring the financial risk of operating the theatre to ATG, while the trust plan, if successful, offers a reduction in the annual revenue support required and share in the benefits of new income generated," it continues.

"The council will therefore have to consider the degree of financial risk in the two options against the quality, range and diversity of the programme on offer and the ability of the two operators to manage the theatre efficiently and effectively. . . and to provide the long-term stability which the theatre requires."