IN response to Mr. Gorf's complaint (Your Letters, August 2) about the PA system used by the Malvern Pony Club. I was always taught before complaining to make sure I had my facts right.

The Malvern branch of the Pony Club used the showground for four days in July. It did not use a PA system as Mr Gorf stated.

With only three instructors teaching six children each in a very small area, a PA system let alone raised voices was not required. The children rode from 10am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 3pm and had left the showground by 5pm each day.

The Three Counties office was manned at all times, as we were there during office hours, although Mr Gorf said that mobile telephones of the showground staff were switched off. Why did Mr Gorf not use the land line to contact the showground staff?

I think I have the answer to all of this. The Sunday before we arrived an event was taking place where a PA system was being used and music was also being played. This would explain why the offices were not manned and Mr Gorf tried to use a mobile phone contact.

I would like to think that as most of the members of the Malvern Pony Club live in or around the Malvern area, some not far from Mr Gorf, that we are aware of the problems residents and the staff of the Three Counties experience with the different events that are held and would go out of our way not to cause a nuisance and would certainly not use or require a PA system for 17 children.

Debbie Brookes, secretary to Malvern Pony Club.