ON July 25 I was delighted to join the committee of Bromyard in Bloom as they were judged on their entry into Britain in Bloom for the first time.

I accompanied the judges Les Goodman and Bob Harris on a tour of the town and surrounding area together with Gillian Churchill, Charlene Taylor and John Lane.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone on the committee for its hard work, determination and vision for Bromyard.

As we travelled around the town I was so impressed. Everywhere was neat and tidy and looking its best.

In particular, the churchyard looked as though it had been 'freshly laundered' and received favourable comments from the judges.

I very much enjoyed the willow weaving by the children of St Peter's School.

To enter a competition like this is no mean feat, it takes months of planning and determination and one should never underestimate how much personal time is put into a venture like this by everyone involved.

I would like to thank you all personally for having the confidence to enter this competition, with a special mention to Gill Churchill and John Lane for never giving up, even when all the odds seemed stacked against them.

May you go from strength to strength and be future winners.

Pearl Briggs, vice-chairman, Bromyard and Winslow Town Council.