A NEW childcare group in Poolbrook is hunting for more members to help it consolidate its future.

Playspace Out-of-School Care was launched at the Octagon just over a fortnight ago and is being organised by a former leader of a similar Langland group which closed due to a lack of cash.

Brenda White helped set up the Langland Kids Club that closed in August 2001 but is hoping that a wider catchment area in Poolbrook will help Playspace survive.

"It's very slow at the moment but it's brilliant to be back," said Brenda. "It's the same with the kids - they're happy to be back - but we just need a few more of them to help pay the bills.

"Once people know we're around it'll soon fill up."

Anyone interested in joining the club, which opens from 8.30am until 3.30pm, Monday to Friday, has an age range of four to 11 year-olds and also caters for special needs, should ring 01684 891059.