MALVERN'S ex-mayor, Whinray Coates resigned from Malvern Town Council on Tuesday (August 7).

The Langland councillor, who has served on the authority since its inception in 1995, said she could no longer serve on the council "because it is no longer community-minded".

"Too much time is spent vilifying people instead of getting on with the job," she said. "When I was elected, I was elected to work for the community."

She said other members are trying to control the council for their own ends, particularly those belonging to the Malvern Town Action Group (MTAG).

She will still serve on Malvern Hills District Council and continue with charity and community work.

Adrian Ward, of MTAG, said Coun Coates' administration had been partly responsible for the fact the council now spends twice as much on administration as it does on services.

MTAG currently holds nine of the town council's 25 seats and will put up a candidate for a by-election in Coun Coates' ward.